Our ESG Framework

To ensure our efforts are meaningful and effective, we have conducted a comprehensive materiality assessment, aligning our strategies with various voluntary sustainability standards, such as the United Nations GLOBAL IMPACT.

Stakeholder Engagement

At Vanilla Fair, we define stakeholders as our farming communities, employees, B2B clients, industry associations, and the broader society in which we operate.

We actively engage with these stakeholders to understand their concerns and priorities and to collaborate on initiatives that create shared value. Our Sustainability Team, along with input from across our organization, oversees the implementation and evaluation of our ESG initiatives

A circle of hands from diverse individuals symbolizing unity, collaboration, and Vanilla Fair’s commitment to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) values.

Priority Areas

Our materiality assessment has identified priority areas for ESG disclosure. These include:
  • Sustainable farming practices
  • Community development and empowerment
  • Ethical business conduct and transparency
  • Employee well-being and diversity
  • Environmental stewardship and climate action

We are committed to producing and providing sustainable vanilla products while fostering a people-centric culture that aligns with our ESG principles.

Our Strategy

Our culture is built on care and support for all employees, regardless of tenure. We focus on fostering an environment where every team member feels valued and has the opportunity for personal and professional growth. This is achieved through comprehensive development programs, holistic wellness initiatives, and competitive benefits, encouraging each individual to realize their full potential.

Our Approach


1. Health: Vanilla Fair offers a range of health insurance options tailored to the specific needs of our employees in France and Madagascar, as outlined in our Employee Manual. We also advocate for work-life balance with our generous time-off policies, including parental and medical leave, aligned with local regulations and our Social Policy.

2. Equity and Ownership: Recognizing the value of employee investment in the company, new team members will be given the opportunity for stock ownership as part of their compensation package, with eligibility criteria and vesting periods detailed in our Employee Stock Ownership Plan.

3. Hiring and Recruitment: We prioritize attracting talents who resonate with our values. Our interview process is designed to be respectful and considerate of all candidates, with a strong focus on diversity and inclusion, as outlined in our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy.

Onboarding Experience: Joining Vanilla Fair is a guided journey. New hires are provided extensive resources and training to integrate seamlessly into our culture and mission, including our Ethical Charter and Supplier Code of Conduct.

Professional Development: From day one, employees are encouraged to pursue courses, certifications, or conferences relevant to their roles, supported by a Professional Development Stipend. Past examples include sustainability workshops, leadership training, and industry-specific conferences.

Employee Engagement: We seek feedback through comprehensive, anonymous surveys to continually improve our work environment and employee satisfaction. Our Employee Resource Groups and Diversity Committee further promote inclusivity and engagement.


1:Fairness and Respect: We are dedicated to maintaining a workplace where fairness, respect, and dignity are paramount, as detailed in our Ethical Charter and Social Policy. This extends to all team members, customers, and vendors.

2:Confidentiality and Data Protection: We ensure the confidentiality of employee information by having secure and compliant HR systems in place, as per our Data Protection Policy.

3:Training and Development: All employees undergo regular training on ethics, compliance, and sustainability, reinforcing our commitment to ESG principles and aligning with our Environmental and Social Policies.

Our people are the key to achieving our mission of producing sustainable vanilla products. By fostering a culture that prioritizes employee well-being, diversity, and growth, we are building a solid foundation for our company’s success and positive impact on the world.

Our Strategy

Our actions were founded on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), core values deeply rooted in our origins. It is important for us to create an environment where every team member, regardless of gender, origin, or background, is valued and given equal opportunities to thrive.

Our Approach

DEI Steering Committee:
Our DEI Steering Committee, comprising executive and Board members, is dedicated to guiding the development of our DEI strategy. The committee ensures alignment with our Ethical Charter and Social Policy, setting ambitious targets for representation and inclusion.

Measuring & Reporting:
Our human resources system, Zoho People, confidentially gathers employee demographic data, helping us establish robust baselines for measuring progress. We transparently report on our DEI metrics and initiatives in our annual Corporate Social Responsibility report, holding ourselves accountable to our commitments.

Everyone is expected to be treated fairly, respectfully, and with dignity. Our Employee Manual and Code of Conduct enshrine policies promoting equal opportunities and a workplace free from harassment and discrimination. All employees undergo mandatory training on unconscious bias, inclusivity, and anti-harassment, as our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy outlines.

Engagement & Feedback:
Regular engagement surveys are conducted to capture feedback, ensuring that our DEI initiatives resonate with and benefit our team members. Our Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) provide platforms for employees to connect, share experiences, and contribute to our DEI strategy. The ERGs also play a crucial role in organizing cultural celebrations and awareness campaigns.

Recruitment & Advancement:
We are committed to fair and inclusive recruitment practices, actively seeking diverse candidate pools and ensuring our interview panels are representative. Our promotion and professional development processes are designed to be equitable, with clear criteria and pathways for growth, as detailed in our Career Development Framework.

Supplier Diversity:
– Our commitment to DEI extends to our supply chain. We actively seek partnerships with diverse suppliers, including women-owned and minority-owned businesses, to support economic empowerment in the communities we source from. Our Supplier Code of Conduct reinforces our expectation that our partners uphold principles of non-discrimination and fairness.

Continuous Improvement:
We are committed to continuously evolving our actions, ensuring they remain adequate and relevant in an ever-changing global landscape. We regularly benchmark our DEI practices against industry best practices and engage external experts to guide our journey. Our DEI Steering Committee reviews progress quarterly and adjusts our strategy as needed.

Everyone should be treated fairly, respectfully, and equally. Our employee handbook and Code of Conduct enshrine policies promoting equal opportunities and a workplace free from harassment and discrimination.

Engagement & Feedback:
Regular engagement surveys are conducted to capture feedback, ensuring that our DEI initiatives resonate with and benefit our team members.

Continuous Improvement:
We are committed to continuously evolving our actions, ensuring they remain adequate and relevant in an ever-changing global landscape.

Our Strategy

Safety is a fundamental pillar at Vanilla Fair, underpinning every operation from our vanilla farms to our processing and administrative facilities. We prioritize a safety culture that permeates all levels of our organization, emphasizing the importance of a secure working environment. Our safety principles, known as the “Essential Five,” guide our team members in maintaining the highest safety standards.

The “Essential Five” include:

  1. Proper Training and Preparation: Staff are extensively trained and equipped to perform their duties safely, undertaking only tasks for which they are qualified and prepared.
  2. Right Tools for the Job: Ensuring staff have the correct tools, procedures, and protective equipment to carry out their tasks safely.
  3. Control Hazardous Energy: Our team members are instructed to identify potential hazards and ensure they are managed effectively before starting work.
  4. Emergency Preparedness: Staff are well-versed in emergency procedures to ensure quick and safe responses.
  5. Incident Reporting for Improvement: We foster a culture where reporting safety incidents is encouraged, aiding in the continuous improvement of our safety practices.

At Vanilla Fair, safety is an ongoing commitment to our sustainable and responsible vanilla production mission. Our approach aligns with our Environmental Policy, Social Policy, and Ethical Charter, ensuring the well-being of our employees, communities, and the environment.

Our Approach

Safety Training:

All employees, regardless of their role, receive comprehensive safety training, with additional specialized training as required. Training content is aligned with our Employee Manual and covers topics such as proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE), hazard identification, and emergency response procedures.

Training programs are regularly updated to reflect new safety standards and procedures, incorporating best practices from industry guidelines and regulatory requirements.

Training materials are adapted to the diverse languages spoken by our staff to ensure clear understanding and effective implementation.

Risk Assessments:

We conduct regular risk assessments to manage safety risks in all areas of operations effectively. Our risk assessment methodology follows our Health and Safety Policy guidelines, considering factors such as the nature of the work, equipment used, and potential environmental hazards.

Assessment findings are shared with staff through safety meetings and training sessions, empowering them to identify and suggest risk reduction strategies. This collaborative approach fosters a strong safety culture and encourages continuous improvement.

Incident Reporting:
We utilize a user-friendly platform for incident reporting to ensure ease of use and encourage participation from all staff members. The platform allows for both named and anonymous submissions, in line with our Whistleblowing Policy, to promote open and honest communication.
Our Health and Safety Committee promptly investigates all reported incidents, communicating findings and corrective actions to relevant stakeholders. Lessons learned from incidents are incorporated into our safety training and procedures to prevent recurrence.

Environmental Safety:

We implement stringent measures to ensure environmental safety in vanilla cultivation and processing, as outlined in our Environmental Policy and Supplier Code of Conduct. This includes the responsible use of pesticides, proper waste management, and biodiversity protection.

Our staff are trained in eco-friendly practices, such as integrated pest management and water conservation techniques, to minimize environmental impact and ensure the safety of both employees and the ecosystem.

Occupational Health:
We provide all employees with regular health check-ups and vaccinations tailored to the specific risks associated with their roles. This proactive approach to occupational health helps us identify and address potential health concerns early, promoting the overall well-being of our staff.

We prioritize physical health as well as mental health support. Our Employee Assistance Program offers confidential counseling services and resources to help employees manage stress, maintain work-life balance, and cope with personal or professional challenges.

At Vanilla Fair, we believe that a strong safety culture is the foundation for a thriving and sustainable business. By prioritizing the safety and well-being of our employees, we not only protect our most significant asset but demonstrate our commitment to responsible and ethical business practices.

Our Strategy

At Vanilla Fair, we are dedicated to understanding and minimizing our environmental impact as part of our mission to produce sustainable vanilla products. Recognizing the natural resource inputs in our operations and their potential ecological outputs, we have committed to quantifying our “operational footprint.” This involves measuring the resources we consume and the waste we generate at our vanilla curing facilities in Rennes, France, and Maroantsetra, Madagascar.

Our operations encompass our curing facilities, administrative offices, and other infrastructure essential to our production process. To measure our carbon footprint accurately, we have adopted methodologies from voluntary sustainability reporting standards, including the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting & Reporting Standard. We have partnered with Greenly, a leading carbon accounting platform, to assist us in calculating and reporting our carbon emissions in accordance with these standards.

Using the latest scientific data, we use internal data to quantify resource consumption and outputs within our operations and translate these into environmental impacts. Our goal is to continuously refine our understanding of our operational footprint and focus on reducing environmental impacts in the most intensive areas of our business. This approach aligns with our Environmental Policy and our commitment to the United Nations Global Compact principles on ecological responsibility.

Our Approach

Energy Consumption:

We monitor electricity and gas usage in our facilities through utility invoices and estimations based on commercial square footage. This data is collected and analyzed using our energy management policy.

We focus on identifying areas where energy consumption is highest to implement targeted reduction initiatives. These initiatives include energy-efficient equipment upgrades, optimizing production processes, and promoting energy-saving behaviors among our staff.

Carbon Footprint:

We calculate our Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting & Reporting Standard. Greenly facilitates our carbon accounting process, ensuring accuracy and transparency in our reporting.

This measurement helps us understand our primary emission sources and strategize ways to reduce our carbon footprint. Our Carbon Reduction Strategy outlines our commitment to transitioning to renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, and offsetting unavoidable emissions through verified carbon offset projects.

Water Management:

Water usage is critical, especially in our vanilla curing processes. In accordance with our Water Stewardship Policy, we calculate total freshwater withdrawal and assess water risk using tools like the WRI’s Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas.

Our strategy includes water conservation measures, such as implementing closed-loop systems and promoting water-efficient practices among our staff. To ensure responsible water management, we also consider water risk in decision-making, particularly in regions with high water stress.

Waste Management:

We adhere to local and regional guidelines for waste disposal and aim to minimize waste generation in our operations, as outlined in our Waste Management Policy.

Our approach includes recycling and composting initiatives, especially organic waste from our vanilla processing. We also work with our suppliers to minimize packaging waste and promote using recyclable and compostable materials, which aligns with our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Sustainable Practices:

We are committed to implementing sustainable practices in our vanilla curing process to reduce environmental impact. This includes using renewable energy sources like solar power to fuel our operations and adopting energy-efficient technologies.

We conduct regular reviews and updates of our operational practices to ensure they align with the best sustainability standards. Our Sustainability Committee, comprising representatives from various departments, oversees this process and reports progress to our Board of Directors.

Key Metrics: Operational Footprint at Vanilla Fair

Metric Overview:

We have established vital environmental metrics to track and communicate our sustainability progress. These metrics provide insights into the impact of our operations in Rennes, France, and Maroantsetra, Madagascar. They are a benchmark for our ongoing efforts to reduce our environmental footprint and are reported annually in our Sustainability Report.

Metrics and Measures:

1. Greenhouse Gas Emissions:

Scope 1 Emission: Direct emissions from owned or controlled sources (e.g., company vehicles, on-site fuel combustion).

Scope 2 Emissions: Indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity.

We use Greenly to calculate and report our Scope 1 and 2 emissions, ensuring alignment with the GHG Protocol standards.

2. Energy Usage:

Electricity Usage: Total electricity consumption at Vanilla Fair’s facilities.

Fuel Usage: Total fuel usage for operations, including any natural gas or other fuels.

We track our energy usage through utility bills and meter readings to reduce our consumption year-over-year.

3. Water Management:

Total Freshwater Withdrawal: Water used in vanilla processing and other operational activities.

We measure our water withdrawal using flow meters and aim to reduce our water footprint through conservation initiatives and process improvements.

By incorporating these metrics into our sustainability strategy and reporting, we hold ourselves accountable to our environmental commitments and provide transparency. We will continue to refine and expand our metrics as we progress on our sustainability journey.

Our Strategy

At Vanilla Fair, we are committed to sourcing our Green Vanilla responsibly, ensuring that every stage of our supply chain reflects our dedication to social and environmental sustainability. We collaborate exclusively with certified growers who align with our stringent sustainability standards and share our vision of mitigating social and environmental risks within our upstream supply chain.

As part of our risk management process, we assess potential first-tier vanilla suppliers through our Supplier Responsibility Program. This assessment includes evaluating the supplier’s risk based on their country of operation, the associated risks of the vanilla they provide, their sourcing practices, and their adherence to Vanilla Fair’s Supplier Code of Conduct. Our Code of Conduct is inspired by internationally recognized standards such as the UN Global Compact and OECD-FAO Guidance for Responsible Agricultural Supply Chains. It is regularly updated to reflect industry best practices and stakeholder expectations.

Our Sustainable Procurement Policy guides our responsible sourcing strategy, which outlines our commitments to ethical business practices, human rights, environmental stewardship, and community engagement throughout our supply chain. This policy is integrated into our overall Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS), ensuring a holistic approach to sustainability.

Our Approach


We regularly audit our direct vanilla growers and, when necessary, our second-tier suppliers to ensure compliance with our Supplier Code of Conduct and sustainability criteria. These audits cover various topics, including labor practices, health and safety, environmental management, and business ethics.

Our audits are conducted by trained internal auditors and supplemented by third-party audits for high-risk suppliers or those requiring additional verification. We use a risk-based approach to determine the frequency and intensity of audits, with higher-risk suppliers being audited more frequently.

We aim to maintain transparency and traceability as far upstream as possible in our vanilla supply chains. We use a combination of blockchain technology and traditional traceability systems to map our supply chains and verify the origin and journey of our vanilla beans.

Certification and Compliance:

Our vanilla growers are certified to internationally recognized sustainability standards, such as Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade, or Organic by Ecocert, guaranteeing they meet our high standards for responsible agricultural practices. We work closely with our growers to help them achieve and maintain these certifications.

We engage in due diligence to verify that our suppliers’ policies align with our Code of Conduct and that their practices meet our sustainability specifications. This includes reviewing suppliers’ environmental and social policies, conducting background checks, and assessing their performance against key sustainability indicators. Suppliers must pass this evaluation to be approved within our program.

We also require our suppliers to sign and adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct, which stipulates our expectations for ethical conduct, respect for human rights, environmental protection, and continuous improvement. Non-compliance with our Code of Conduct can result in corrective action plans or termination of the supplier relationship.

Third-Party Assurance:

We partner with third-party organizations, such as SGS or Bureau Veritas, to independently assess our Supplier Responsibility Program, ensuring alignment with global best practices for responsible sourcing. These organizations review our policies, procedures, and performance and provide recommendations for improvement.

We also participate in industry initiatives, such as the Sustainable Vanilla Initiative (SVI), to collaborate with peers, share best practices, and drive sector-wide progress toward responsible sourcing. We contribute to developing industry standards and tools for sustainable vanilla production through these initiatives.

Continuous Improvement:

We are dedicated to improving and refining our sourcing strategies on an ongoing basis to better support our growers and enhance our sustainability impact. We regularly review our policies and procedures to ensure they remain relevant and effective, and we set annual targets for supplier performance and engagement.

We provide training and capacity building for our suppliers, particularly smallholder farmers, to help them improve their sustainability practices and livelihoods. This includes training on good agricultural practices, financial management, and health and safety, among other topics.

We also invest in community development projects in the regions where we source our vanilla, focusing on education, healthcare, and economic empowerment. We aim to create shared value and build long-term resilience by supporting the communities that sustain our supply chain.

Through our comprehensive approach to responsible sourcing, we strive to ensure that our vanilla supply chain is transparent, traceable, and aligned with our values of integrity, respect, and sustainability. By partnering with our suppliers and investing in their success, we can create a more sustainable and equitable future for all