Industrial News

Vanilla Exhausted for Professionals | Vanilla Fair

Choose quality for all your professional preparations with our Fairtrade organic exhausted vanilla.

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In the demanding world of the food industry, Madagascar vanilla for professionals is a choice ingredient. Exhaust vanilla has emerged as an indispensable strategic food marker among its derivatives. Discover how this fair trade product can revolutionize your professional preparations.

Choose our organic exhausted vanilla for your professional preparations

What is exhausted vanilla?

Exhausted vanilla is the result of an innovative extraction process from vanilla pods. After extracting the main aromatic compounds, we obtain a residual product that retains a significant portion of its organoleptic properties. Far from mere waste, this by-product becomes a valuable ingredient for industrialists seeking a natural vanilla food marker in their formulations.

Using organic, exhausted vanilla allows professionals to create flavor-rich products while controlling costs. It’s an economical and natural solution that meets the growing consumer demand for authentic and recognizable ingredients.

Vanilla Exhausted

How is exhausted vanilla produced at Vanilla Fair?

At Vanilla Fair, our organic exhausted vanilla production process results from years of experience and artisanal know-how. Here are the key steps:

  1. We have rigorously selected our organic vanilla pods, mainly sourced from Madagascar plantations, including the famous Bourbon vanilla.
  2. Extraction of the main aromatic compounds for our other vanilla products.
  3. Careful recovery of the exhausted pods.
  4. Delicate drying to preserve residual aromas.
  5. Fine grinding of the pods to obtain a powder with ideal texture.
  6. Strict quality control to ensure a consistent product.

The result? A high-quality exhausted vanilla, rich in visible grains, perfect as a natural food marker for your industrial preparations.

What are its professional uses?

Exhausted vanilla finds numerous applications in the food industry:

  • Dairy products: yogurts, dessert creams, ice creams
  • Industrial bakery and pastry: cookies, cakes, viennoiseries
  • Beverages: smoothies, flavored milk drinks
  • Powder preparations: dessert mixes, cake preparations
  • Confectionery: candies, chocolates

Its subtle aroma lets you add an authentic vanilla note to your products while optimizing production costs. It’s the ideal ingredient for industrialists who want to offer tasty and economically viable products.

In what format is exhausted vanilla sold at Vanilla Fair?

To meet the varied needs of our industrial clients, we offer exhausted vanilla in different formats:

  • 1 kg bags: ideal for testing and small productions
  • 5 kg cartons: for medium productions
  • 25 kg big bags: suitable for large industrial productions

All our packaging is designed to preserve the quality of the exhausted vanilla and facilitate its integration into your production processes.

How to buy your organic exhausted vanilla?

We have simplified the purchasing process at Vanilla Fair to save you precious time.

  1. Visit our section dedicated to professionals on our website.
  2. Select the organic exhausted vanilla format that meets your needs.
  3. Add the desired quantity to your cart.
  4. Proceed to secure payment.

We invite you to contact us directly for large or regular orders to benefit from adapted rates and personalized follow-up.

Regarding quantities, we adapt to your needs. Our minimum order is 1 kg, and we can supply large quantities for major industries. Don’t hesitate to consult us for customized quotes.

Delivery is made throughout metropolitan France within 3 to 5 working days. Delivery times may vary for international orders, but we make every effort to ensure fast and efficient delivery.

It’s important to note that the importation of vanilla-derived products may be subject to specific regulations depending on the country. We recommend you ask about any customs formalities you need to complete. Our team remains at your disposal to assist you with these procedures.

Need a personalized quote? Ask us directly online.

Need a personalized quote? Ask us directly online.

Would you like to know more about our vanilla, our prices, and the delivery options? Contact us and request a quote.

How to store exhausted vanilla?

One significant advantage of organic exhausted vanilla is its ease of storage. Unlike fresh vanilla pods, it doesn’t require special storage conditions.

To best preserve the qualities of your exhausted vanilla:

  • – Store it in a dry, cool place away from direct light.
  • – Keep it in its original, hermetically sealed packaging.
  • – Avoid significant temperature fluctuations.

Under these conditions, exhausted vanilla can be stored for several months without significantly losing its organoleptic properties.

Discover all our products for professionals

In addition to our organic exhausted vanilla, Vanilla Fair offers a complete range of vanilla-derived products to meet all your professional needs:

Each of these products stems from our commitment to organic and fair-trade vanilla, which ensures consistent quality and a positive impact on producers.

By choosing Vanilla Fair, you opt for a partner committed to an ethical and sustainable approach. Like our entire range, our organic exhausted vanilla allows you to meet consumer expectations regarding naturalness and authenticity while optimizing your production costs.

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