

FLOCERT certification ensures that our fair trade vanilla practices are independently verified. It attests that our production promotes fair wages, safe working conditions and fair trading relationships.


  • Independent verification of fair trade practices
  • Supports fair wages and safe working conditions
  • Promotes equitable trade relationships
USDA Organic

USDA Organic

This certification guarantees that our vanilla is produced according to the strict standards of the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) in terms of organic farming. It certifies the absence of synthetic chemicals for the cultivation and transformation process.


  • Meets rigorous USDA organic standards
  • Ensures no use of synthetic chemicals
  • Commitment to high-quality organic production


Ecocert certifies that our vanilla is grown according to strict organic standards. This is also what guarantees the integrity and purity of the product throughout the production process in your imports within the European Union.


  • Grown without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers
  • Promotes environmental protection
  • Supports biodiversity
Agriculture Biologique

Agriculture Biologique

AB certification is a guarantee of excellence in organic farming. It guarantees that our vanilla is grown without pesticides or synthetic fertilizers, thus promoting a healthier environment and superior product quality.


  • Grown without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers
  • Promotes environmental protection
  • Supports organic farming practices

Other Certifications

These certifications include Ecovadis Platinum medal,  Fair Trade, Kosher, Non-GMO, and others, each representing our dedication to maintaining the highest standards.

Commitment to Continuous Improvement

We are focused on consistently advancing our practices.

This is why we are continually seeking to develop new certifications and improve our methods. Our goal? To support you in your purchases and adapt to your strictest needs to offer you the best products on the market.